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1851 Bachman New York & Brooklyn
original size 28" x 36" 18" x 24" -
$20 24" x 31" - $30 36" x 47" -
$50 |
1870 Currier
& Ives original size 24" x 34" 17" x 24" -
$20 24" x 34" - $30 36" x 51" -
$50 |
1874 Degen
original size 24" x 32" 18" x 24" - $20
24" x 32" - $30 36" x 48" -
ca. 1875 Parsons New York
& Brooklyn original size 25" x 36"
100s of boats! 17" x 24" - $20 24" x
35" - $30 36" x 52" - $50 |
ca. 1877 Parsons New York &
Brooklyn original size 26" x 36" 17" x 24" -
$20 24" x 33" - $30 36" x 50" -
$50 |
1883 Equitable
Assurance Co. original size 26" x 38" 16" x 24"
- $20 24" x 35" - $30 36" x 53"
- $50 |
Parsons New York and Brooklyn
original size 26" x 36" 17" x 24" - $20
24" x 33" - $30 36" x 50" -
$50 |
1905 Hart
original size 27" x 39" 17" x 24" - $20
24" x 34" - $30 36" x 51" -
$50 |