The original United States
Geological Survey topo maps of Vermont are available here in
1a) Custom Composite USGS Maps of Vermont: We have created several 'custom' composite
topographical maps centering around areas of interest in Vermont such
as Lake Champlain and the City of Burlington.
1b) Custom Town Maps of Windham County:
Custom maps of each town in Windham County, all consistent in size and
color. Dates range from the 1890s to the 1930s.
Quad Prints:Reprints of the Original USGS Topo Quadrangle Maps of Vermont. The index map below shows the years in which the different quads
were mapped. These maps show topographic features such as hills,
lakes, and rivers, as well as the old roads and principal buildings.
2b) CDROM: The state of
Vermont is covered by 62 "quad sheets". All are issued on this CD,
which also includes a list of maps by name (with year of publication)
and an index map which makes it easy for readers to find the correct
map for their area.
USGS maps assembled by town. Many Vermont towns are shown
on two or more of the old USGS maps, because the maps are laid out on a
statewide grid. We have combined those maps where needed, so
that your town is on a single sheet. You will see the sheet lines on the
maps, and in some cases there are noticeable color differences.