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Vermont State Maps - On Line Database    www.old-maps.com
1780 Covens & Mortier VT State map Shown to the left (and below) is the 1780 Covens map.

To see even more details about these state maps, click here.

To purchase better quality scans of the maps than found here,
see our Regional Map Sets.
 June 2010:     We are publishing most of our extensive collection of scans of old Vermont state maps for free review and download.
Over the last decade Old Maps has acquired these images from a variety of sources, including the Library of Congress, Vermont Historical Society, New Hampshire Historical Society, and other archives and private sources.  (This free collection has state maps and wide-area maps.  Town and county maps are available for purchase elsewhere on this site)

Many of these maps have been "downsized" for faster web access. All maps are legible, except those which are protected by copyright. Most of the maps here are scans of actual maps, but a few are low quality photographs. Some maps on this list do not yet have images, because this is the beginning of our on-line library.
To view a copy, click on a thumbnail to the right. Feel free to save a copy for your own use. We hope that this collection will encourage the wider use of maps for studying Vermont's history.  Enjoy them!
Year Author What Size Title Author _ Publisher_Engraver Image
1756 Blanchard & Langdon NH map ms
An Accurate Map of His Majesty's Province of New Hampshire in New England Samuel Langdon; Joseph Blanchard; manuscript
1760 n.a. Military Routes 8 x11 Military Routes of Travel (modern) n.a.
1760? n.a. N.Y. Grants on Lake C . [Crown Point and South] n.a
1760x Jefferys NE map
A Map of the Most Inhabited Part of New England Containing the Provinces of Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire with the Colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island Thomas Jefferys
1761 Blanchard & Langdon NH map w towns
An Accurate Map of His Majesty's Province of New Hampshire in New England Samuel Langdon; Joseph Blanchard
1762 Brassier Lake Champlain 16" x 52" A Survey of Lake Champlain from Crown Point to Windmil Point Brassier
1763 Metcalfe printed ..Lake C..French Claims
A Plan of Lake Champlain Simon Metcalfe
1765 Collins Lake Champlain 19" x 50" A survey of Lake Champlain including Crown Point and St. John's John Collins
1766 Colden NY-NH Towns
[In Sir Henry Moore's Letter..} Alexander Colden
1766x n.a. PRO NY-VT-NH towns 30" x 30" apx [Ny-VT-NH Towns] n.a.
1768 Jefferys NE map ends at Shelburne-Stow
A Map of the Most Inhabited Part of New England Containing the Provinces of Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire with the Colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island Thomas Jefferys
1768 Holland NY, NJ, PA...Vt ..Lake..towns
The Provinces of New York and New Jersey with Part of Pensilvania Capt. Holland; Thomas Jefferys
1771 Metcalfe counties; NY vs NH
New York Government Simon Metcalfe
1771 Bowles NE map..VT vacant mostly
A Map of the Most Inhabited Part of New England containing the Provinces of Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire Carrington Bowles
1775 Bancker NY-NH Towns
Gerard Bancker's Map Gerard Bancker
1775 Montresor NY, Pennsylvania..trees in VT
A Map of The Province of New York with Part of Pensilvania and New England John Montresor
1776 Holland NY, NJ, PA...Vt ..Lake..towns
The Provinces of New York and New Jersey with Part of Pensilvania Capt. Holland; Thomas Jefferys
1776 Brassier Lake Champlain 17" x 23" A Survey of Lake Champlain including Lake George, Crown Point and St. John William Brassier
1776 Bowles NE map

1776 Lotter NE map
A Map of the Most Inhabited Part of New England Containing the Provinces of Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire with the Colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island Tobias Conrad Lotter
1777 Sauthier Lake Hudson
A Topographical Map of Hudson's River...Communication with Canada...Lake Champlain Claude Joseph Sauthier; William Faden
1779 Sauthier NY map..Ny grants in VT
A Chorographical Map of the Province of New York in North America Claude Joseph Sauthier
1779 Probst NE map..as Jefferys
A Map of the Most Inhabited Part of New England Containing the Provinces of Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire with the Colonies of Connecticut and Rhode Island Johann Michael Probst
1779 Faden lake champlain huge Plan Lake Champlain to Fort St Johns William Faden
1780 Covens & Mortier much of NY; diff editions
A Chorographical Map of the Northern Department of North America Bernard Romans; Covens, Mortier & Covens
1780 Covens & Mortier_Crockett much of NY; "State of Vermont"; towns small A Chorographical Map of the Northern Department of North America Bernard Romans; Covens, Mortier & Covens
1780 Bowles ne map

1784 Blanchard&Langdon_Sawyer NH map w towns
An Accurate Map of the State and province of New Hampshire in New England.. Joseph Blanchard & Samuel Langdon - revised Abel Sawyer
1789 Blodget vt; towns 31 x 40 A Topographical Map of the State of Vermont from Actual Surveys William Blodget; Amos Doolittle,engr
1790 Whitelaw_North north only; ms 28" x 24" [northern Vermont] James Whitelaw
1790x Dutton towns
Vermont from Actual Survey John Dutton
1791 n/a - modern history facts

1795 Doolittle the First 13" x 16" Vermont from Actual Survey delineated & Engraved by Amos Doolittle Amos Doolittle, Engr.; Mathew Carey, pub
1795 Scott small; some rds
Vermont Joseph Scott; An Atlas of the United States
1795 Whitelaw small; counties 11" x 14" A Map of the State of Vermont James Whitelaw; A Natural and Civil History of Vermont
1795 Doolittle_Rums small; towns 13" x 16" Vermont from Actual Survey Amos Doolittle
1795 Scott_BHS small
State of Vermont Drawn and Engraved Joseph Scott; An Atlas of the United State
1796 Carey no towns; no counties 9" x 12" Vermont From Actual Survey
1796 Whitelaw towns; roads 31" x 46" A Correct Map of the State of Vermont From Actual Survey James Whitelaw
1796 Sotzmann towns; roads 19 x 27 Vermont entworfen von D.F. Sotzman Daniel Friedrich Sotzman; Carl Ernst Bohn, engr.(?)
1796 Reid 7 counties; towns
Vermont from the Latest Authorities John Reid; The American Atlas
1798 Allen_book no towns; NE
A Map of the State of Vermont Ira Allen
1798 Allen

A Map of the State of Vermont Ira Allen
1799 Payne towns; roads
Vermont from the Latest Authorities John Payne
1799 Carey small
Vermont from Actual Survey Matthew Carey
1801 CareyPocket

Vermont from actual Survey Matthew Carey
1804 Lewis small 8x10 +- Vermont Arrowsmith & Lewis; General Atlas
1805 Lewis small in atlas
Vermont Arrowsmith & Lewis
1807 Whitelaw small
A Map of the State of Vermont by James Whitelaw Esq. James Whitelaw
1809 Whitelaw_ruderman web advt. poor pic
A Map of the State of Vermont James Whitelaw
1810 White_Hvd towns; roads 31" x 46" A Correct Map of the State of Vermont From Actual Survey.The Second Edition James Whitelaw; James Wilson 1810
1814 Doolittle_Rums roads; 1795 counties
Vermont From Actual Survey Amos Doolittle, Engr.; Mathew Carey, pub
1817 Doolittle towns; roads
Vermont from Actual Survey Amos Doolittle
1821 Whitelaw-Hutchinson towns; roads 31" x 46" Vermont from Actual Surveys with all the Late Additions and Improvements James Whitelaw; Ebeneezer Hutchinson 1821
1822 Carey_Map_andTxt text in margins 10"x13" Map of Vermont H.C. Carey
1822 Carey map only
Geographical, statistical & Historical Map of Vermont H.C. Carey & J. Lea; F. Lucas
1824 Willard-Whitelaw ms child map
[tracing of Whitelaw 1821] Cynthia; book dealer photo
1828 Henshaw counties; ms colorful
Vermont Frances H. Henshaw
1831 Finley mountains 10 x 12 Vermont Anthony Finley
1834 Robinson towns, roads
An Improved Map of Vermont Compiled from the Latest Authorities Lewis Robinson
1838 Bradford counties colored 12" x 15" Vermont Thomas G. Bradford
1839 Burr NE Map..post offices
Map of Maine, New hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, Exhibiting the Post Offices, Post Roads, Canals, Rail Roads David H. Burr
1840 Tanner VT, NH, roads, no towns; nice color
New Hampshire & Vermont H.S. Tanner
1840 Robinson towns; roads;RR 19 x 24 An Improved Map of Vermont Compiled from the Latest Authorities Lewis Robinson
1841 Bradford_Goodrich counties colored 12 x 15 Vermont Goodrich; Bradford
1842 Morse VT, NH
Vermont and New Hampshire S.E. Morse
1842 Thompson in book 8 x 12 Map of the State of Vermont Zadock Thompson
1845 Robinson towns; roads;RR 19 x 24 An Improved Map of Vermont Compiled from the Latest Authorities Lewis Robinson
1848 Gilbert RR Rut-Burl
Map and Profile of the Rutland & Burlington Railroad
1849 Hale towns, roads;RRs NE map
A Map of the New England States.1826..Revised Edition Nathan Hale
1850 Robinson towns; roads;RR 19 x 24 An Improved Map of Vermont Compiled from the Latest Authorities Lewis Robinson
1850x White ms; towns; RR true
Map of Vermont George White
1851 Gilbert RR western VT
Map of the Western Vermont Railroad and Connecting Lines Wm. B. Gilbert
1853 Fanning towns; counties 4.5 x 8.5 Vermont Phelps Fanning
1856 Colton towns; roads;RR
Vermont J.H. Colton
1857 Robinson towns; roads;RR
An Improved Map of Vermont Compiled from the Latest Authorities Lewis Robinson
1860 Walling towns; roads; sites
Map of the State of Vermont Henry Francis Walling
1860 Colton northeast
G. Woolworth Colton's Series of Railroad Maps No. 2 G. Woolworth Colton
1861 Hitchcock geology
Map of the Surface Geology of Vermont Charles H. Hitchcock
1867 Mitchell_NH NH - VT map
New Hampshire and Vermont S. Augustus Mitchell
1870 Beers Atlases

1876 Burgett Atlas
Map of vermont H.W. Burgett; Illustrated Topographical and Historical Atlas of the State of vermont
1895 RandMcN

Map of Vermont Rand, McNally & Co.
1896 CoffinRR RR
Coffin's New Rail-road Map of Vermont Forbes Co.
1902 National Publishing towns, roads
Complete Map of Vermont Showing Highways and Natural Features National Publishing Company
1902 Forbes RR
1902 Railroad Map of Vermont Forbes Co.
1916 HighwayDept roads
Map of Vermont Vermont Highway Commission / Fish & Game
1916 PSC_AOT

Map of the State of Vermont Public Service Commission
1923 SecyState Hwy map
Official Highway Map of the State of Vermobnt Secretary of State
1966 NatSurvBW

National Survey
1969 StateHwy

The 1969 Official Highway Map of Vermont State of Vermont
1976 National Survey road map w' towns
National Survey Map of Vermont National Survey
1980x USGS 1:100,000 topo
[USGS 100k Map] USGS
1985 StateHwy road map
1985-6 Official State Map Vermont VT AOT
1998 CovBridge

Vermont Covered Bridges...Map and Guide Hartness House
2001 StateHwy

2005 New England Cartographic Town Outline Map

New England Cartographic/ D. Allen (bold)
2005 outline_NCTBOR

Northern cartographic vt_2005_outline_NCTBOR.tif
2005 TourBigRds

[Big Roads Modern Map] Vermont Attractions Assn.
2006 Attractions

Vermont Attractions Guide & Road Map Vermont Attractions Association
2006 RailSystem modern rr map
Vermont Rail System Vermont Rail System?
2006 TouristSimple

[Tourist map - not detailed] Vermont Attractions??
2010 countymap

[color outline map]

Revised: 01/11/23
Copyright © 2005 [Old Maps]. All rights reserved.